Customer stories

Runway uses Liveblocks for real‑time collaboration to stay focused on their core product

Runway is a collaborative AI‑powered video editing tool. They use Liveblocks to handle the real‑time collaboration, enabling them to focus on their core product.

February 1st, 2023
Picture of Adrien Gaudon
Adrien Gaudon
Runway uses Liveblocks for real‑time collaboration to stay focused on their core product
21-50Founded 2018With Liveblocks since May


Runway is an applied AI research company building the next generation of creativity tools. Their mission is to make professional video and content creation accessible to all. They do so by taking recent advancements in computer graphics, the web, and machine learning to push the boundaries of creativity and lower the barriers to content creation.

Even with tremendous growth, they tried to keep a team small enough to fit at one (growing) table. But their mission required them to handle a lot of different technologies and tech stacks simultaneously: computer vision, deep learning, machine learning, deployments, infrastructure, GPU support...

As a result, they had to be lean and focus on their business’s core fundamentals and competitive differentiators to grow and scale. They also knew that having a browser-based experience with a single source of truth and a collaborative space for the entire team was a baseline for a competitive video editor.

It’s tough for me to imagine any professional tool built on the web that doesn’t have built-in collaboration components. You need to provide an experience that addresses how people work nowadays. You will take advantage of a huge opportunity to scale your product if you do.
Image of Runway
Image of Cristóbal Valenzuela
Cristóbal ValenzuelaCo-Founder and CEO of Runway

That’s when the question arose: “Should we build our own collaboration infrastructure or outsource it to experts?”


Upholding their lean philosophy, they prioritized focus and tasked their tech team to find the best collaboration partner on the market.

Although many providers offered infrastructure for building high-performance and offline-capable collaborative web apps, Runway did not want the overhead of hosting, scaling, and maintaining their own WebSocket collaboration infrastructure.

Instead, they wanted a partner that would enable them to embed collaborative experiences in a matter of days.

That’s where Liveblocks stood out.

Runway uses React, so they installed the @liveblocks/react package to implement real‑time collaboration. In just a few hours, they added our Live Avatar Stack to their video editor so users would know who’s working simultaneously and what they’re currently doing.


Runway brilliantly used Liveblocks features. The presence avatars are not only displayed at the top like in most products, but they also show it directly on the timeline to indicate where other people are looking. In addition, if someone starts editing a specific asset, they’ll pin their avatar next to it.

Runway offers an amazing user experience- where editing a video, applying effects, and leveraging AI power can be done from your browser.
Runway offers an amazing user experience- where editing a video, applying effects, and leveraging AI power can be done from your browser.
When someone else joins the same document, we can see where they're looking and which asset they're working on.
When someone else joins the same document, we can see where they're looking and which asset they're working on.
Edits made to an asset can be seen by all participants in real‑time.
Edits made to an asset can be seen by all participants in real‑time.

Not only does presence provide a fantastic user experience, allowing their members to be more productive, but it also reduces the risks of conflicts with two people losing time working on the same thing. If you see someone is already looking at an asset, you won’t start working on it.

[⚠️ Missing: ask Runway if they have any metrics/rates related to collaborative features]

Runway understood from the beginning that collaboration within a product is essential. If people love a product and feel they can be productive while using it, they’ll stick around and quickly spread the word by inviting others to collaborate. With Liveblocks, you can quickly implement a sharing system with permissions.

Runway offers an easy sharing experience to enable organic growth.
Runway offers an easy sharing experience to enable organic growth.

If this inspired you to make your product collaborative, here are a few references that will help you accelerate development:

[⚠️ Missing: ask Cristobal a quote about their experience with Liveblocks]